Black Panther Wakanda Forever: Review, Is It Best Movie Of Phase 4?

 Black Panther Wakanda Forever is definately one level up from Black Panther (2018), You will be surprised how the film makers were able to carry so much emotions in one movie.


Views About Movie

Well it's very challenging movie for all of the makers since we lost the main gem of Wakanda. 

When Chadwick Boseman died there were questions like who will be the new black panther & how story will proceed.

The Makers did full justice to movie not only it give consideration to the characters that were left behind but at the very same time there was introduction to the whole new world in Marvel cinematic universe.

The visuals which were used to describe the Talukan was kind of unique it is not similar to Aquaman or Avatar that people were presuming but beauty of movie was that how it was able to establish an whole origin of species & place well in one movie and that too when movie needs to dedicate it's soul to Chadwick Boseman & Culture of Africans.

The Visuals Representation is beyond Beautiful & how everything was show with sequence so good defines the cinematography of movie.

Music Of The Movie was unbelievable just like part 1 traditional music was used with modern touch. Although, it might be not good as first one but unique one is surely a thing.



This is the Character i believe everyone will talk about because he's badass in both ways as he can do whatever it takes to gaurd is homeland but he also understand need of our, he's surely such a well written character because it seems to so fit in right in the movie.


The Journey of Shuri in MCU is surely impressive one as she was just silly kid in Black Panther but now all of sudden she got responsibilities which changes her World and that's the character arc we love

Bonus: i personally loved the chemistry of Namor & Shuri i wished that she would like marry him for unity of both kingdoms.


Take a bow she is queen, because in the first installment of black panther we have seen her playing a role of a mother who suggests T'Challa & Guide him but when her son died she became the ruler and the way she was represented wakanda was quite fabulous thing and it also shows that how much good she was in th politics the end of character is just like it should be it was fabulous as it was like a hope to change the world even when you face your worse enemies.


The other movie attraction was the character of the iron heart as she said to be the so called replacement of the legendary Tony stark who was the iron man as she possess the new iron man suits which she have make it all by herself at the way director developed his character was quit impress a but to be honest it was not her movie and some part of my feeling says that she wasn't supposed to be there but she was


Got nothing to do big in the movie she was just a side character who have close relationship with the royal family she was there for the action part but I don't think she had impact on story.

Everett K Ross

The only white man In The tribe was quite impressive in this movie Yes for sure his screen time was very less as compared to the part one but he carries a significant role for the future of the MCU as we came to know about his relationship with the quite of figure you will get to know when you see it once in the cinemas.


Director Ryan coogler deserves all the praises on the earth for the cinematic art he have created by his visuals and vision.

It's not a is it ask to create a whore new world and represent in the front of the wide variety of audience and I believe everyone will love the movie beside the specific interests.

He Should return for more projects considering how beautifully he have handles all characters.

I won't even talk about acting as every last one of them delivered performance of life.


No doubt it is experience you should have on big screens not only it celebrates culture & various emotions of human life but the cinema too,

This is such a great end to closure of T'Challa  in MCU where you will not see him around but get to see his presence.

HBI Rated This Movie With 8.5 Out Of 10.